Harbinger of things to come

After my long silence on this site, I’m happy to announce that my circumstances have changed, and there’s going to be a lot more traffic here. As of yesterday, my own writing is now my only means of income, so you’ll be seeing a lot more of me. Some of that will be here, but a majority of it will be over on my blog, Oceanoxia.

Part of my Patreon rewards setup is an ongoing science fiction series following the adventures of a group of friends who bought a fixer-upper space station from VultureCorp, Custodians of the Galaxy. Starting on July 1st, there will be daily updates for my $5+ per month patrons as the crew of Brigadoon manage their outer space B&B in an ancient mining company barracks station that was left behind by the miners for some unknown reason.

Beyond the main story, which will occasionally have free chapters available here, there will also be other content from the various people staying at Brigadoon, and much of that content will be available at the Brigadoon Guest Registry.


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